Oumuamua #Mpatapo Overhead is watching all the secrets of back alley agreements!

Those humans directly or indirectly involved in the hate culture of #GangStalking go rogue!!! An onslaught of cruel and unusual punishment that is provable by academic sources along with a personal account online digital journal record.

Provided here as introduction reference to academic resource article at the National Institutes of Health ( nih.gov ) publications:

The Phenomenology of Group Stalking (‘Gang-Stalking’): A Content Analysis of Subjective Experiences

Lorraine Sheridan, David V. James, and Jayden Roth

Article information

Int J Environ Res Public
Health. 2020 Apr; 17(7): 2506.
Published online 2020 Apr
6. doi: 10.3390/ijerph17072506
PMCID: PMC7178134
PMID: 32268595


Epidemiological data suggest that as many as 0.66% of adult women and 0.17% of adult men in the western world may suffer the subjective experience of being group-stalked (‘gang stalked’) at some point in their lives. Yet the gang stalking experience has been subject to little scientific study. This paper reports an attempt to elicit the core phenomena involved in gang-stalking by allowing them to emerge de novo through the qualitative analysis of accounts of individuals who describe being gang-stalked.

The current study confirmed the seriousness of the sequelae of the gang-stalking experience. These support the need for further exploration of the phenomenon, for which this study forms a basis.

Department of Justice prevalence study, which used a tight definition of stalking that required the victim to experience fear, found that 6.8% reported stalking by three or more people, and were “unable to identify a single offender” or “could not identify an offender who was singularly responsible” .

When these cases were added to those defined as stalking, the total figure for those reporting an inability to identify a single offender or offender who was singularly responsible was 12.5% [17], which is similar to that found in the questionnaire study. The gang-stalking phenomenon would thus appear to be relatively common.

The one study to examine the psychological sequelae of the experience of being gang stalked found that individuals who had been group or gang stalked scored significantly higher on ratings of depressive symptoms, post-traumatic symptomatology and adverse impact on social and occupational functioning than those who were individually stalked [5]. The only other published study of gang-stalking samples that we could locate detailed four cases reported by the media of men who had engaged in extreme violence as a response to the perception that they were the target of gang stalkers [21]. Both Sheridan and James [5] and Sarteschi [21] concluded that the subjects of their studies were suffering or had suffered from severe psychological distress in the context of their subjective gang-stalking experiences.

End of nih.gov article introduction

Public Notice of Intended Need for IMMEDIATE ATTENTION:

The legacy of San Bernardino hate leadership politic embroiled in this hate culture encapsulated and systemic from police officers ( Sergeant Lanier Rogers ), sheriff deputies ( SBC Deputy Terry Klnkheart ). public available social services ( Foothill Aids Project / Jennifer Brehme ), HIV doctor provider care ( Borrego Health / Doctor Eric Shigeno ), mental healthcare system ( sbcdh : Dr. Veronica Kelley ), all have been identified along with many others countywide all of the way up into the top at district attorney's office ( Mike 'iSocialCop' Bires ).

Please do not insult my intelligence nor my ability to perceive and document the truth.

Every where I have turned, to find something and someone to reach out to assist me are full of trust wobbles. To find a smooth interface to begin a comfortable exchange has always found a drastic misdirected motive for them to separate from my need.

Every one fails any good resource of remedy.

By count, those individuals involved into my actions of intent are not just a few but a whole lot. I would consider the count of this "a crowd" in of themselves.

Prevaricators and non-responsive attitudes, a subterfuge from the commons.

In 2007, yes, all of the way back then, I named it a

"Massive Mischievous Marvel of Molding Muck"

Conspirators violating United States federal laws is actually what these circumstances hold real.

§ USC Title 18, Section 241
Conspiracy Against Rights

§USC Title 18, Section 242
Deprivation of Rights under Color of Law


Binding knot of reconciliation - the need of a forum - participation mandatory ( not optional ).

The internal conflict to not enter this emergency imperative discussion for resolves is not the fault of effort of this man nor is holding along side an informational networking ideal ( under development ) deemed a digital model of a "trust ladder".

The irony here is that no one can build upward trust with me when trust binding is put into a digital matrix consideration.

A test brought into view, the bulk of non-responsive resolves seems out of order from a public concern, out of place of normal expectations. These elements on my doing have numerous resources including Tedx talks guidance tutorials. All attempts have been made to share out these discussion points with no emergence to change. Therefore the conclusion must consider a model that focuses on peace outcomes are contrary to the goals of the prevailing forces being silent.

It is not my imagination,

"Something Fishy Is Going On."

These 'maladjusted cultural and societal' forces that I have identified, the patterns that I know exist, are matters of National Security.

These having a relatively complex set of circumstances that are concurrently happening with dire to fatal consequences that already have killed many.

Infused among our entire nation are conditions of non-natural human states which are artificially suspended to their purpose to cause chaos and instability within culture driving violence to occur event after event.

These will continue to occur for not addressing the direct cause foundation to stop the activities of hate culture in #Gangstalking. ( a memetics science fact! )

In part is the cause of ongoing and never ending #MassShooting events that according to news accounts is identified to be an American problem. An influence by artificially suspended means ( hidden manifesto and/or tech enabled malware application ) which drives 'memetically active' transports bonding one to one. A tidal force of negative emotions and destructive intentions are maintained by this sustained hate culture attack among the population. This hate culture is intentionally not being addressed by law enforcement.  By so turning a blind's eye to the activities of #GangStalking overtime is an overwhelming detriment and continued erosion of #SocialTrust.

An escalated event occured on January 6th 2021- The mob of people who attempted to take over current government authority in the election results and final count. Force casting to challenge the results of the election of the highest executive office that can be held in this nation.

The President of the United States of America,

sometimes said to be,

The Leader of the World.

Oumuamua #Mpatapo Overhead,

Are you listening to me?

I hold faith and strong reassurance ( The Flock of Birds ) that you are indeed watching us.

An intractable design of #GangStalking creates an intractable conflict embedded everywhere even in my family relations. Not just me, this same perplexing paradigm is noted in the academic study findings on #Gangstalking.

God / Oumuamua:

Why could no one approach me with dignity, honor, honesty with thier integrity booming?

Why did this have to lead to the edge of the cliff and stil no opening to any form of rational reasonable forum of having a paramount community affairs about the elements of involved hate interfering with our peaceful progress of our nation and global society ??

Why is there still no resolves visible to me - this even after #BloodRoom101 happened. The conflict and my continuing of my human life was put to the test. This matter of a simple request to aquire the path to reach out to have a discussion with some integrity to understand and move forward to adaptive thinking resolves.

Without this set into a visible force of corrective agenda by the community affairs of my hometown regional area, I see no light at the end of this dark tunnel. I would rather die first than to repeat again connections to support care that do not address the foundational cause targeting my life into perpetual crisis. I see no need to imagine it any other way but a step into the abyss. There is no way out of all hell's bells, an "informational quarantine" entrapment scheme.

I protest....

What is happening against me is so so wrong.

Beyond intractability suggests those who can not step forward willfully allowing the opportunity of new understanding calling of #Mpatapo binding to join in forum discussion with those individuals who are stuck without a voice ( An Addictus ) then something must change.

Stuck by conflict, ignorance, prejudice, discrimination, or other special interests, you must step out of your role that is in the way of peace and resolves everlasting.

No matter what are your private faith, beliefs, or values you are holding here, in all thoughts and actions made upon the public mainstream must be held important to strictly act as a peace agent in a shared agenda of collective conscience.

An agent of the qualified human life present here having the moral responsibility to represent the commonwealth of our nation's ideal.

If you cannot consent to honor this aspired level of commitments bestowed upon each of us as citizen's of The United States of America, you must find an alternative person to act as your role onto these imperative and paramount matters so peace can proceed forward around the block you are generating by affixing yourself in forced ignorance to the deafening sound of silence.

If there are any questions, concerns, or general comments about this statement and intents, please use this link to send an email to the @Gruwup peace building information network ideal:

[ Open The Voices of Addictus Everywhere ]

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